Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anticipating my parents' objections

Dear Mom and Dad,

You think that I should not get a part-time job while studying because it will affect my result. Perhaps your view of this matter is reasonable, but you ignore the fact that part-time jobs have many benefits. For instance, I can get experience from the job which is very useful for my curriculum vitae when I graduate and then apply for a full-time job in the future. In addition, through the part-time job, I have more opportunities to approach people and improve my communicative skill. Although you think part-time job may disturb my concentration on study, it is just part time so it just takes me Tuesday, Thursday night and the weekend. Therefore, I have enough time for both studying and working. I know how to manage my time to not neglect my study. Could you consider my opinion about this situation after thinking about my reasons above, please?

Your daughter, always!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Journal 14

Crovitz, L. G. (2011, October 31). Steve Jobs’s Advice for Obama. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from

The article named Steve Jobs's Advice for Obama discusses about the formal talk between Steve Jobs and President Obama. Crovitz (2011) reports in this article from the Wall Street Journal that the regulations which are partial cause the difficulties of economy infuriated Mr. Jobs. While many companies in Silicon Valley try to support for the U.S. economy, it is gummed up by the government’s official rules. In particular, the immigrant policy has caused lack of talents or outstanding engineers in the U.S. because they tend to come back their countries to find good jobs instead of waiting for long time of having green cards. In addition, Crovitz mentions that Apple employs 700,000 workers in China since there are inadequate engineers in the U.S. Therefore, the company can create hundred thousand jobs in the U.S. if the immigrant regulation is simpler. 140,000 green cards are issued per year is not enough to the demand of the economy. It is hoped that there is a change for the better in policy to encourage the best students to stay and work here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Analyzing an Argument

Calle, B. (2011, Nov.4). Brian Calle: Schoolkids need an education lobbyist. The Orange County Register.

In this article Calle argues the agenda of educational system now does not represent students' interest. Although there is little improvement in the students' result for some subjects, it still needs the restructuring to boost the education. The article suggests that the policy such as evaluating and layoff policy should be change to create the better educational environment. 
Article Tab: image1-Brian Calle: Schoolkids need an education lobbyist

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 3rd, 2011

This morning I found some books that are very useful for my research paper topic. Among them, the reference source I prefer most is Evans, K. (2010).Capital Punishment: Cruel and Unusual?. Detroit, Mich.: Gale because the book mentions about many aspects related to the death penalty. For instance, the book discusses about US capital punishment's history, capital punishment cases, laws of death penalty, the costs related to capital cases, race affect capital punishment outcomes, public view, and capital punishment round globe.It is credible because the author mentions specific examples of some cases in her book to prove the points. Therefore, it gives me a lot of helpful information about the topic.