Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anticipating my parents' objections

Dear Mom and Dad,

You think that I should not get a part-time job while studying because it will affect my result. Perhaps your view of this matter is reasonable, but you ignore the fact that part-time jobs have many benefits. For instance, I can get experience from the job which is very useful for my curriculum vitae when I graduate and then apply for a full-time job in the future. In addition, through the part-time job, I have more opportunities to approach people and improve my communicative skill. Although you think part-time job may disturb my concentration on study, it is just part time so it just takes me Tuesday, Thursday night and the weekend. Therefore, I have enough time for both studying and working. I know how to manage my time to not neglect my study. Could you consider my opinion about this situation after thinking about my reasons above, please?

Your daughter, always!