Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal 12

Ellsworth, P. , & Gross, S. (1994). Hardening of the attitudes: Americans' views on the death penalty. Journal of Social Issues,50(2), 19-52.
Phoebe Ellsworth, the Frank Murphy Distinguished University Professor of Law and Psychology, has conducted pioneering scholarship in the field of psychology and law. Samuel R. Gross, the Thomas and Mabel Long Professor of Law, graduated from Columbia College in 1968 and earned a J.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1973. The article discusses how Americans react with the controvesial issue-the death penalty. Through the study over 20 years almost people think that the death penalty is more depends on emotion than information or rational argument. It is useful for me since this relate to my research question about the two both sides opinion of the death penalty. Therefore, I can combine information from  the journal and compare to my answer for this issue.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

            When I thought about some topics for research paper, there were many questions I want to do research such as business, society, health, and education. Therefore, it's difficult to choose one topic. Then I try to think about questions relating to some topics: tax, penalty, or shopping culture of American. I’m interesting in controversial topics because I think there is a lot of information I can find on the internet as well as in some books. Thus I chose gambling because it harms to society. However, I changed my mind when searching information on Wikipedia. I found much more information about the death penalty which still has lots of controversy, so I make some questions about the topic. For example, What are two sides of death penalty? or Should death penalty be changed? By using Wikipedia, I’ve already found out about a useful example for it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When I was young, I received almost advice which was from my parents. However, I still too young to understand the importance of their useful advice. Thus I usually did not follow it. When I was older, I got lots of helpful advice from my family, my teachers, and my friends, even some are younger than me. Each one has dissimilar experience in different fields.Therefore, I think their advice is useful, but sometimes it make me confuse because of their different advice for the same matter. Then I will follow my feeling to consider what I should do or follow some of the advice.
I think I'm not really a good adviser, but fortunately I usually a good listener. Hence my friends often talk to me about their problem to feel better. Sometimes, I give them some advice after considering carefully their problem. The most important that is the reason for their talking heart to heart with me is my keeping their secret, so they trust me.

By the way, If you have some hitch difficulty or problem, feel free to approach and talk to me. I'm a good listener 'as long as I have enough time to listen' ^.^

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

American food

American food makes me immediately associate it with fast food such as hamburger, French fries, and protein smoothies. I can easily find a fast food restaurant here with several different brand names such as Mc Donald, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Jack in the Box, In-N-Out, Carl’s Jr. Although fast food is not a heathy food, I still like it because it’s convenient and easy to find anywhere. Besides that, I also love American barbeque, it’s delicious and I have a lot of fun when make a barbeque with my friends.
People in my countries eat rice as main meal. However, there are many American food restaurants have developed there such as KFC, Pizza Hut, and Domino. Therefore, Vietnamese youngsters tend to eat out rather than to eat at home. They usually eat at the restaurants at night or on the weekend, especially many prefer to celebrate their birthday parties there.