Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If animals could talk, what would they say???

If animals could talk, I would like to ask them how they think and how their lives are. I would talk to my little dog to understand what he wants and how he sees the world around. In addition, I want to know the meaning of their sound, their facial gesture, and their body language. I think some kinds of animals would say that people should not eat them. Furthermore, they might express how they are angry with people because of environmental damage from human’s activities. Then, they could carry negotiation with people to live in peace. Imagine that they could sing and celebrate some parties or events of human; it would be so interesting. :)


  1. I guess that would be OK, but I don't want my Hamburger talking to me!

  2. Do you have a pet in your hometown???

  3. @ Sean: Hamburger is a name of your pet, isn't it?
    @ Fiona: Yes, I have a dog.
