Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Half full or half emty"

 “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” said Winston Churchill. I think this quote means the way each person react to the situation in life. It mentions two kinds of attitudes. For the same case, these people look difficulties in optimism while other thinks in pessimism. For example, an optimist person looks a half water of glass as “half full” whereas a pessimist looks it as “half empty.” For the same thing, the way these two kinds of people think is completely different. Therefore, a dismal person cannot find the way to solve any problem, and thinks it’s very very hard to overcome. Whilst a hopeful individual think they can find a good solution to solve the difficulty. In addition, the negative people focus on their difficult situations instead of finding solutions for the problems. Conversely, the optimists do on the contrary way.
However, it’s not the best if people just look everything in positiveness since they are more disappointed when results is not like what they want it is. Thinking in optimism is good but people should afraid of not good potential consequences. Thus we can recommend our relatives and my friends who are over optimistic should doubt whether they can achieve their ambition. On the other hand, we should advise the pessimistic people tend to think they can reach their goal or solve their trouble as long as they try their best.


  1. Yes, I agree with you. Optimistic do not guarantee your success. If a person is pessimist, he or she see the difficulty in evevrything but it is still good as long as he or she continues fighting against those difficulties.

  2. You know, I saw some girls who sees everything is pink but I never think they are stupid. They always feel happy even though they have a failure. They think the failure is a pink gift and they are very lovely. If my daughter is like that, I will be very happy

  3. Hugh might be referring to the phrase, "See the world through rose-colored glasses". I believe it's a French saying.

    Half full or half empty? I say neither. I just say the glass has 110 ml. :-)
